Salamu'alaik ya nuha.
i think what i miss the most is the time we spent together..
take care semua..sayang korang semua~^^
Allah Hafeez.
p/s:semua = termasuk yang xde dalam gambar + kamu.arigato~
One day, Izham received a BMW 7 series from his brother as an Eid present. On Eid day when Izham came out of his house, a poor boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.
"Is this your car, Uncle?" he asked. Izham nodded.
"My brother gave it to me for Eid." The boy was astounded.
"You mean your brother gave it to you and it did cost you nothing? Boy, I wish..." He hesitated.
Of course Izham knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said shocked Izham all the way down to his heels.
"I wish," the boy went on, "that I could be a brother like that."
Izham looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added, "Would you like to take a ride in my car?"
"Oh yes, I'd love that." the boy replied.
After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said,
"Uncle, would you mind driving in front of my house?"
Izham smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Izham was wrong again.
"Will you stop where those two steps are?" the boy asked.
He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Izham heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.
"There it is, little brother, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Eid and it didn't cost him a penny. And some day I'm gonna give you one just like it...then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Shop windows that I've been trying to tell you about."
Izham got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable ride. That Eid, Izham learned what the Rasullullah (SAW) meant when he had said: "love for your brother what you love for yourself".
“saiz manusia kalau nak dibandingkan dengan alam ciptaan Tuhan sama macam saiz lubang pada baju kamu,dibandingkan dengan semua baju kamu yang masih elok lagi.”
assalamalaikum izzah,
how are u both? sorry to know that u caught cold. the best treatment that i give to my children is .......boil water in a small bowl and take the steam, inhail the steam through nose and through the throat while keeping ur mouth open.do not put anything in the water.do this as many times as u can. see the difference? (for anyone who's having cold,can try this one.it is actually medically relevant.^^)
Yes dear fahad was here and this time both dania and deena were also free. do u know fahad got his acceptance for the admission in masters in "the george washington university"? while he wa here we got his visa also 4 the U S A. he is in manipal at present. around 7th august he will leave manipal 4 final and will stay with us for bout 12 days then fly 2 washington. this is a 2 years course. pray 4 him so that Allah keeps him on the track of islam.
this was 4m our side. whats 4m ur side? Izzah! u b on the right track and remember Allah all the time then any bloody exam will b easy for u. sincerity and truthfulness and the faith in Allah will always make u successful in any test or exam. u both have that, so whats there to get scared about? i have always been praying for every one who tells me to pray, but of course collectively, i mean together for all. do not worry ? (terharu baca part ni.baeklah aunty rehana!)
how r ur parents back home? did i tell u that dania had joined MAHE here in dubai, she will be doing her bachlor course of 3 years in business administration. she being a girl i did not wana send her anywhere (oh,hati seorang ibu~), but to keep her here with us. deena will also b joining an indian university here in dubai for her engineering course, Inshahallah next year.
hope to see u both soon. take care of ur selves.how is naufa's health now a days? give my love and duas to her.
Allah hafez.
A Mother's love is something
that no one can explain,
It is made of deep devotion
and of sacrifice and pain,
It is endless and unselfish
and enduring come what may
For nothing can destroy it
or take that love away . . .
It is patient and forgiving
when all others are forsaking,
And it never fails or falters
even though the heart is breaking . . .
It believes beyond believing
when the world around condemns,
And it glows with all the beauty
of the rarest, brightest gems . . .
It is far beyond defining,
it defies all explanation,
And it still remains a secret
like the mysteries of creation . . .
A many splendored miracle
man cannot understand
And another wondrous evidence
of God's tender guiding hand.
~Helen Steiner Rice~
We Are One
As you go through life you'll see
There is so much that we
Don't understand
And the only thing we know
Is things don't always go
The way we planned
[But you'll see every day]
[That we'll never turn away]
When it seems all your dreams come undone
[We will stand by your side]
[Filled with hope and filled with pride]
We are more than we are
We are one
If there's so much I must be
Can I still just be me
The way I am?
Can I trust in my own heart
Or am I just one part
Of some big plan?
[Even those who are gone]
[Are with us as we go on]
Your journey has only begun
[Tears of pain, tears of joy]
[One thing nothing can destroy]
Is our pride, deep inside
We are one
[We are one, you and I]
[We are like the earth and sky]
One family under the sun
[All the wisdom to lead]
[All the courage that you need]
You will find when you see
We are one
Setiap yang bernyawa pasti akan merasakan mati.
Barang siapa dilepaskan dari neraka dan ia akan dimasukan ke dalam surga, maka adalah ia orang yang beruntung, dan tidak ada kehidupan di dunia melainkan tipu daya.
Ya Abdallah bin Abdillah/Ya Amatillah binti Abdillah, kamu ingat perjanjian pada waktu kamu keluar dari negri dunia menuju negri akhirat yaitu perjanjian:
Sesunggahnya tidak ada Tuhan selain ALLAH,
dan bahwa Nabi Muhammad itu utusan ALLAH,
dan sesungguhnya mati itu benar,
dan kubur itu benar,
dan ni’mat di dalam kubur itu benar,
dan siksa dalam kubur itu benar,
dan pertanyaan di dalam kubur itu benar,
dan pertanyaan Munkar dan Nankir di dalam kubur itu benar,
dan bahwasanya dibangkitkan dari alam kubur itu benar,
dan bahwasanya perhitungan amal baik dan buruk itu benar,
dan sesungguhnya syafa’at (pertolongan) Muhammad SAW. itu benar,
dan surga itu benar, dan neraka itu benar,
dan berjumpa dengan ALLAH Ta’ala bagi orang ahli ma’rifat itu benar,
dan ALLAH Ta’ala akan membangkitkan manusia dari alam kubur,
sekarang kamu telah berada dilapisan tanah dan berhadapan dengan tentara maut,
maka apabila datang dua orang malaikat yang diwakilkan kepada kamu yaitu Munkar dan Nankir maka kamu jangan takut dan gemetar maka sesungguhnya kedua orang malaikat itu mahluk ALLAH sebagaiman kamu mahluk ALLAH,
maka apabila bertanya dua orang malaikat akan kamu:
Siapa Tuhanmu,
dan siapa Nabimu,
dan apa agamamu,
dan dimana kiblatmu,
dan apa pedomanmu(Imammu),
dan siapa saudaramu,
dan siapa bapamu pada agama,
dan siapakah seseorang yang diutus kepadamu, jin, dan manusia?
Maka hendaklah kamu jawab pertanyaan itu dengan lidah yang pasih dan i’tikad yang benar:
ALLAH Ta’ala itu Tuhanku,
Muhammad itu Nabiku dan Islam itu agamaku,
dan Ka’bah itu kiblatku,
dan Al-Qur’an itu pedomanku,
dan kaum Muslimin dan Muslimat itu saudaraku,
dan Nabi Ibrahim itu bapaku pada agama,
dan ia seorang laki-laki yang diutus kepadaku dan kepada mahluk lainnya yaitu Nabi Muhammad SAW.
dan hendaklah kamu kata:
Aku ridho ALLAH itu Tuhanku dan Islam itu agamaku dan Muhammad itu Nabi dan Rasul, atas yang demikian itu kamu hidup dan mati, atas demikian itu kamu akan dibangkitkan, jika ALLAH menghendaki akan keselamatan maka ALLAH tetapkan dengan perkataan yang benar
Barangsiapa menghendaki keuntungan di akhirat akan Kami tambahkan keuntungan itu baginya,dan barang siapa menghendaki keuntungan di dunia Kami berikan kepadanya sebahagian (keuntungan dunia),tetapi dia tidak mendapat bahagian di akhirat.(Asy-Syura: 20)
"Ya Tuhan kami anugerahkanlah kepada kami pasangan kami dan keturunan kami sebagai penyenang hati (kami),dan jadikanlah kami pemimpin bagi orang2 yang bertaqwa "
“Dan apabila mereka dilemparkan ke tempat yang sempit di neraka dengan keadaan dibelenggu,mereka di sana berteriak dengan mengharapkan kebinasaan.(Akan dikatakan kepada mereka) “JANGANLAH KAMU MENGHARAPKAN KEBINASAAN PADA HARI INI KECUALI KEBINASAAN YANG BERULANG-ULANG ”. ”
(Al-Furqan : 13-14)
“dan diantara kami ada yang Islam dan ada yang menyimpang dari jalan kebenaran .Siapa yang Islam telah memilih jalan yang lurus .Dan adapun yang menyimpang dari kebenaran,maka mereka menjadi bahan bakar bagi neraka jahanam ”
(Al-Jinn: 14-15)
“Ya Tuhan kami berilah kepada kami kebaikan di dunia dan di akhirat dan selamatkanlah kami dari neraka”
(Al-Baqarah 201)
“Tida ada Tuhan selain Engkau ,MahaSuci Engkau.Sungguh aku termasuk orang2 yang zalim ”
(Al-Anbiya' : 87)
A Land Called Paradise
(K. Salama)
I wanna live in a land called paradise
I wanna go to the valley of the King
I wanna live in a land called paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and I wanna hear the angels
Sing the praises of my Lord so far above
As I move poetically with the struggle I fall in love
I look to the left I look to the right and all I gaze upon
Reveals the source of flowers rainbows and the dew at dawn
Some see before and some see in and some see after
I let my sight pierce the chains and see the master
I wanna live in a land called paradise
I wanna go to the Valley of the King
I wanna live in a land called paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and I wanna hear the angels sing
So many times in my life I ask myself the question
What got me brought me into all this mess I’m swimming in
But pain is not and neither harm in the pool of bliss
So slap me with your hand or kiss me with your softest kiss
Tell me that you love me or that you don’t like me now
Tell me you invite me or that you don’t want me around
I won’t cry over a world that can’t change my life
I’ll put my money on what lies ahead in paradise
I wanna live in a land called paradise
I wanna go to the Valley of the King
I wanna live in a land called paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and I wanna hear the angels sing
I try to do right and love my wife and trade and pray and talk
I can be anywhere doing anything and I’m mindful of God
I’m pleased in good and happy in harm and now I realize that I already live in a land called paradise
I wanna live in a land called paradise
I wanna go to the valley of the king
I wanna live in a land called paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and I wanna hear the angels
I wanna live in a land called paradise
I wanna go to the valley of the king
I wanna live in a land called paradise
Wanna see the birds fly and I wanna hear the angels sing
“izzah balikla,ummi rindu..”
Katakanlah Muhammad, “Aku tidak meminta kepadamu sesuatu imbalan pun atas seruanku kecuali kasih sayang dalam kekeluargaan” (Asy-syuara:23)
“Nak pinjam berus gigi akak?”
“nak pakai sekali je pun kan?pinjamla~”
“Manusia suka menjadikan dirinya sebagai ukuran,dan kemudian mula membanding2kan dengan mereka yang lain,dan menyangka dia lebih baik dari mereka yang lain”
“at least aku lebih baik dari dia,sebab aku solat kat masjid,dia x..”
Hidup ini penuh dengan fitnah..