Salamu’alaik ya nuha..
Hmm.. how was your stomach ? hungry ? mine, it start having charity concert ,again.theme song ‘summer of 69’ .heheh..lapar..
Since the raining season re-starting again , my stomach non-stop asking for food. Beside the cold weather, the study week also contribute for the charity concert . ( brain needs glucose for the thinking process to be smooth and compatible..)
That’s the story of hungry stomach..
Next ,let’s proceed with something that need our brain to use glucose even more.=)
Hahahah..i myself wonder what will I ask you,but anyway it’s fine for me because merapu is my best part..hee..
Ok.tie your seat belt tightly ,we gonna start the ride sooooonnn…
Who is seating beside you right now? are you alone? Same goes to me, need to worry this story I am gonna share with you is totally not scary.
There was a story of an honored man .one day ,he was visited by his friends (sahabat).in the middle of their conversation ,suddenly
The man,opened the door,there was a woman stand by the door ,holding a bowl full with oranges. she thrust the bowl at him and said “eat this” .
He ate the oranges as told ,one after another .not even bothered to offer his sahabat who were watching from inside.each orange he finished,he smiled at her. his sahabat wondered ,why he did not offer them the oranges..on the other hand,the woman also gave the man a weird look. After he finished eating,he handed the bowl back.
The woman left after that,leaving the sahabat puzzled.
One of his sahabat asked him,why he didn’t offer them the oranges?
What are you thinking? why he didn’t offer his sahabat the oranges?
Is it because he is selfish? Or because he simply do not know what is it means by sharing? Or you have any better answer. .
If me, I’ll say,he might love the oranges so much, and wanted to save them all for him, without noticing that his sahabat were watching.
“The oranges are all sour ,I was worried that you will make face at her or insult her for sending me sour I didn’t offer you the oranges even a bit.she purposely gave me those oranges,to test me. ”
That was his answer..
*the honoured man here is referring to,Rasulullah pbuh.*
Huahuahua.. I totally got it about you? is that what are you thinking about?
If,yes, you are already understand the concept of husnuzhon or in English “think positive” or in Malay bersangka baik.
For more explaination,refer this blog “permata yang dicari”.she explained about husnuzhon very neatly.
End of the story.
Ok,what is the moral of the story here??
Let list them down(because I believe there is a lot..)
1) think positive in this life
2) be,even you are given sour oranges =)
3) Allah knows that, whatever ‘sour oranges ‘ He ‘sent’ you ,you are totally capable to crush them between your teeth.kunyah!
4) be nice at people.they might just testing you.
Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya.ia mendapat pahala (dari kebajikan), yang diusahaknnya , dan iamendapat siksa (dari kejahatan) yang dikerjakannya.(Mereka berdoa):”Ya Tuhan kami,janganlah Kau hokum kami beban yang berat sebagaimana Engkau bebankan kepada orang2 sebelum kami. Ya Tuhan kami janganlah Kau pikulkan kepada kami apa yang tidak sanggup kami memikulnya.Beri maafla kami; ampunilah kami; rahmatilah kami . Engkaulah penolong kami , maka tolonglah kami terhadap kaum yang kafir”
Enough of ‘crapping’..
Ya Allah,tabahkanlah hati sahabat kami yang baru kehilangan ibu tersayang.ya Allah,ampunkanlah dosa ibunya,rahmatilah dia.ya Allah , tempatkanlah dia bersama-sama hambaMu yang soleh dan solehah.ameenn.
Al-Fatihah buat Allahyarhamah ibu Ell.